Are you getting DOS attacks? Is your server slow? Are you getting a lot of spam? Are your sites getting injected with malware? Is your server being used for attack? Do you want to decrease the load on your server? How about having 100% server uptime and making your clients smile? Or simply put, do you want your server to perform well?
Look no further. We have the right solutions for your problems.
Why do you need to secure your server with JoneSolutions? Simply because you want the problems mentioned above solved and your server to perform well, thus providing better uptime and security for your clients. If you secure your server with JS, you will have happy clients and you can enjoy focusing on your business and spending time with your loved ones knowing your server is in good hands.
Security is the number one priority a server owner should have. If you do not secure your server properly, you will experience more downtime, slow running of server sites, hacked websites, and spam. And the worst problem is if your server is being used to attack other servers.
With our solutions, we will keep hackers away from your server and block those unnecessary bots connecting to your server. You will experience 100% uptime, amazing server performance, and best of all, a secured server.
We are not yet done. What is the secure server’s use if it is not optimized properly?
Our optimization is based on your server specifications setup and the kind of sites you are running. With lesser load due to our security setup, we can even do more by optimizing services running on your server including Apache, PHP, MariaDB, etc. I bet you would agree that security and speed, complementing each other, is a good combination. SECURITY AND SPEED are what Jonesolutions is an expert in and these are what we offer to you.
Our technical staff has 20+ years of experience in managing cPanel and DirectAdmin servers. We are currently managing 500+ servers from the USA, Italy, and other countries.
Start protecting and optimizing your server by signing up now.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at .
Proactive Server Management V1
- Highlight Features -
billed quarterly
- 1 Month Free for Yearly Contract -
- Full Optimization and Security
- Unlimited Server Issue Tickets
- Firewall ( CSF ) Installation
- Anti-Spam & Mail Protection
- ModSecurity Massive Custom Rules
- ClamAV Massive Custom Rules
- Malware Detection Integration
- DoS Protection
- 24/7 Monitoring w/ SMS Notification
Proactive Server Management V2
- Highlight Features -
billed quarterly
- 1 Month Free for Yearly Contract -
- FREE Estela Mail Inbound/Outbound Filtering
- FREE DirectAdmin Unlimited or Webuzo Unlimited or ENHANCE (100 Websites) or BitNinja Unlimited or cPGuard Unlimited
- Full Optimization and Security
- Unlimited Server Issue Tickets
- Firewall ( CSF ) Installation
- Anti-Spam & Mail Protection
- ModSecurity Massive Custom Rules
- ClamAV Massive Custom Rules
- Malware Detection Integration
- DoS Protection
- 24/7 Monitoring w/ SMS Notification
Proactive Server Management V3
- Highlight Features -
billed quarterly
- 1 Month Free for Yearly Contract -
- FREE Estela Mail Inbound/Outbound Filtering
- FREE Softaculous
- FREE DirectAdmin Unlimited or Webuzo Unlimited or ENHANCE (100 Websites) or BitNinja Unlimited or cPGuard Unlimited
- FREE 5TB Acronis Backup Cloud
- Full Optimization and Security
- Unlimited Server Issue Tickets
- Firewall ( CSF ) Installation
- Anti-Spam & Mail Protection
- ModSecurity Massive Custom Rules
- ClamAV Massive Custom Rules
- Malware Detection Integration
- DoS Protection
- 24/7 Monitoring w/ SMS Notification
ProxMox VE Management
- Full Optimization & Security
- Unlimited Main Server Issue Tickets
- Firewall ( CSF ) Installation
- VE Templates Setup
- 24/7 Monitoring w/ SMS Notification
- Optional Per VE Management